5 Things You Must Do If You Ever Want Your Ex Girlfriend Back

My name is Brad Browning and I am known as the "relationship geek".  How did I get this nickname?  Well, for the past 10 years of my life, I've helped thousands of men around the globe get their ex girlfriends back.

No matter how dire your situation is with your ex girlfriend, there is a way to get her back!

The truth is, I've been doing this for so long that I've uncovered the secret to the female psychology.

If you're reading this and you want your ex girlfriend back, then absorb the information on this page very carefully, because in it, I'll share with you some secrets that will give you some secrets that most men will never know about women.

1.) Don't get jealous. Jealousy reeks of insecurity and this is just the number one killer of attraction.  If you are the jealous kind of person, then fight the urge to show this emotion around your ex girlfriend.

2.) Give her space. Yes, this seems a little hard and counter intuitive, but leaving her alone is one of the best ways of actually getting her back into your life.  Though, you have to do it in a very specific way.  Simply not talking to her won't do it.  You have to talk to her subconscious and make it seem like you really and truly don't want to talk to her right now.

3.) Recover emotionally.  If you're rattled that your ex girlfriend dumped you, then trust me, there's nothing you can do or say right now that will make her love you again.  The more you force the issue with her, the less likely she's going to want to get back together with you.  Winning your ex-girlfriend back is going to have to start with you.  That means you need to stop pining and get your life back on track.  Start working out more.  Start picking up some good hobbies that you like.  Start hanging out with friends.  Do whatever you need to do to "get over her" and you'll be well on your to getting her back into your arms in your bed.

4.) Start dating other women.  This is my secret weapon. By dating other women, you're killing two birds with one stone.  First, dating other women is one of the best ways to get over your ex girlfriend.  And second, if your ex ever found out that you're dating other women, then she'll start beginning to get jealous and want you again.  Once this happens, you'll be ready to pounce and take her back (without her even realize that you're using these tactics on her!).

5.) Begin to seduce her (properly!).  Once you've accomplished steps 1-4, only then can you start making her fall in love with you again by sending her my patented psychological techniques that I'll tell you about in a minute.  By using some of my techniques, she'll be crying by your side, asking herself why she ever broke up with you.  She'll be begging you to come back to her.

Sound too good to be true?  Well, it isn't.  I've seen this happen thousands of times. And it doesn't matter if you broke up with your girlfriend last week or last year.  My techniques don't discriminate. They're that powerful.

In the free informational video below, I'll share with you some mind-bending secrets that will surely get your ex girlfriend to start wanting to talk to you and hang out with you.  And, if you follow my instructions properly, she'll be calling you incessantly wanting you to go out with her.

Click here to check out this video presentation

Be quick about it though because this video won't be up forever.  I actually have a number of feminists groups that are hassling me about this video... they say that the tactics I use are so manipulative that it effectively compromises women's rights.  No joke.  So check it out while it's still up.

3 Texts To Send Her Ex Girlfriend To Make Her Come Running Back to You

So... wanting your ex girlfriend back?

One of the easiest ways you can win your ex girlfriend back is by simply using your cell phone and tapping a bunch of buttons.

Sound absurd?  Well it isn't... I've coached thousands of men around the world to effectively "Text Their Exes Back"... even if they initially thought that it was impossible to win their ex girlfriends back.

And today, I'm about to give you some tips on how you can force your girlfriend to come running back to you (and no, she'll definitely have absolutely no choice in the matter).


This is the first text you can send to get started (but don't send these text messages yet.  At the end of the article, I'll tell you exactly when to send these text messages because when you send these messages is just as important as what you send).

Text #1 - The "I'm Ok" Text Message:
-- "Hey _____, I just want to let you know that I'm 100% cool with the breakup and I thought that it was a good idea.  Hope we can still be friends.  Talk soon." --

This text message is great because it conveys all the right messages.  For one, you're letting her know that you were 100% okay with the breakup (you need to make her think this right now).  By saying this, you're pretty much saying to her that you don't really need her... and this will subconsciously drive her insane.  By posing as "just a friend" right now, you start planting my patented Seduction Seeds that will eventually cause her to start thinking about you in a sexual way again... and win her back.  More on this in a bit.

Text #2 - The "No Communication" text.
-- "You're right.  It's best that we shouldn't talk right now but I would like to be friends eventually." --

This one is a little advanced and you need to know exactly when to send this text... but again, you're communicating to her that you don't really need to talk to her.  In essence, you're saying that you don't really need her in your reality anymore.  By doing this, you'll send a message that you do want to "move on"... and you'll begin tricking her into thinking that she actually lost you!

Text #3 - The "Jealousy" text.
-- "I think it was a great idea that we decided to start dating other people.  I do just want to be friends right now!" --

By saying this, you're telling her that you're actually date other people right now... which will in turn make her jealous.  This is a good thing.  By saying this, you're sub-communicating to her that you're actually wanted by other women.  Remember, women are attracted to men that are wanted by other women, so by saying that you're dating around already, you're pretty much saying that "it's your loss, missy!"

Remember, you can't just simply send these texts to her and expect good results... you need to have a plan of attack and send these messages right when she's most likely to take them seriously... only then will she begin to feel attraction for you and induce a "fear of loss" within her.

In the free presentation below, I'll show you exactly what you can do to make your ex girlfriend want you again.  Whether you just want a night of hot sex, or you actually want to get back with your girlfriend (and keep her), just watch the short video below and I'll tell you how you can get your ex girlfriend back into your arms!

But you better hurry up because this video won't be online forever.  In fact, women around the world are trying desperately to shut me down because they think the tactics that I use on women are so controversial (in other words, my techniques for winning your ex girlfriend back are just so good that women think that they're unfair).

So hurry up and check out the video below.

Click here to check out this video presentation.

Why You Lost Your Boyfriend And How You Can Get Him Back

Yeah, the feeling of getting dumped sucks.  There's no question about that. Sometimes, you can go crazy thinking about all the things that went wrong in your relationship.

But the bottom of the line is, the reason why your relationship ended is because your boyfriend has lost attraction for you.  No, it wasn't because you left your dirty laundry around the house or that it's "him, not you...", it's because the foundation of his attraction for you faded - and it's your fault. There are ways you can "re-attract" your boyfriend (and I'll get to that in a second), but you have to first understand why he dumped you.  Only then will you know how you can get him back.

This is what I like to call The Six Deadly Relationship Sins.  Now, I'm not saying that you committed all of these mistakes, but chances are you probably exhibited at least one of these characteristics that pretty much forced your boyfriend to leave you (even if he's claimed that he left you for another reason).

The first Deadly Sin is a common problem that over half of women have in their relationships - and that's being way too controlling.  Men are repelled by women that put unrealistic restraints on their lives. Though asserting your dominance in a relationship is important, you have to know exactly when "enough is enough".  If you don't, then don't be surprised that your boyfriend or husband left you.

The second Deadly Sin is a bit of a weird one, but always seeking external validity from your boyfriend is a huge attraction-breaker. What does that mean?  It means that you constantly seek out your boyfriend's approval.  Asking questions like, "Do you love me?  Do I look fat in this dress?  Did you have a good time?" repel women.  It's like saying to him that you aren't confident enough or good enough... and this reeks of insecurity.

The third Deadly Sin is being jealous all the time.  Were you jealous that he was flirting with other girls?  Maybe he was hanging out with a female friend that you felt a little suspicious about... Well, if you did exhibit this emotion, then again, don't be surprised that your boyfriend lost some attraction for you.  Jealousy is the ultimate form of insecurity.

So now that you know only some of the relationship killers, how do you go about "re-attracting" your boyfriend?

Well, it starts with employing some of my most powerful psychological techniques.  Yes, even if things seem completely hopeless right now, you can get him back if you know what you're doing.

Let me first introduce myself.  My name is Brad Browning and I'm known as the "Relationship Geek."  I've been helping thousands of women across the globe win back their ex-boyfriends.  My success rate is over 90%.

Even if you think your relationship with your ex boyfriend is completely torn, I can bet you there is a way to make him fall hopelessly in love with you again (or at least give you a second chance!).

You see, what a lot of women do when they get dumped is they start begging and pleading.  They ask for forgiveness and start begging for second chances.  The say "sorry" and "just give me another chance" time after time.  If you're guilty of one of these mistakes, then you better start listening to my advice... because chances are you're doing something right now that is pushing your ex further and further away (and into the arms of another girl).

So do yourself a favor and check out my free video. In it, I'll tell you exactly how you can get your ex boyfriend back as soon as possible... and I'll go over some other Deadly Sins as well. 

But you better check out this video quickly because it's literally so popular that I'm going broke just paying all the web hosting bills!

Click here to check out this video presentation.

Again, be quick about it before it's taken down forever.

3 Texts To Send Your Ex Boyfriend To Make Him Come Running Back

So... you want to get your ex boyfriend back?

One of the easiest ways you can win your ex boyfriend back is by simply using your cell phone and tapping a bunch of buttons.

Sound absurd?  Well, it isn't... I've coached thousands of women around the world to effectively "Text Their Exes Back"... even if they initially thought that it was impossible to ever rekindle any sort of romance with their ex boyfriend.

And today, I'm about to give you some tips on how you can force your boyfriend to come running back to you (and no, he'll definitely have absolutely no choice in the matter).


This is the first text you can send to get started (but don't send these text messages yet.  At the end of the article, I'll tell you exactly when to send these texts, because when you send these messages is just as important as what you send).

Text #1 - The "I'm Ok" Text Message:
-- "Hey _____, I just want to let you know that I'm 100% cool with the breakup and I thought that it was a good idea.  Hope we can still be friends.  Talk soon." --

This text message is great because it conveys all the right messages.  For one, you're letting him know that you were 100% okay with the breakup (you need to make him think this right now).  By saying this, you're pretty much saying to him that you don't really need him... and this will subconsciously drive him insane.  By posing as "just a friend" right now, you start planting my patented 'Seduction Seeds'  that will eventually cause him to start thinking about you in a sexual way again... and win him back for good.  More on this in a bit.

Text #2 - The "No Communication" text.
-- "You're right.  It's best that we don't talk right now, but I would like to be friends eventually." --

This one is a little advanced and you need to know exactly when to send this text... but again, you're communicating to him that you don't really need to talk to him.  In essence, you're saying that you don't really need him to play any role in your life anymore.  By doing this, you'll send the messsage that you do want to "move on"... and you'll begin tricking him into thinking that he actually lost you!

Text #3 - The "Jealousy" text.
-- "I think it was a great idea that we decided to start dating other people.  I do just want to be friends right now!" --

By saying this, you're telling him that you're actually dating other people right now... which will in turn make him jealous.  This is a good thing.  By saying this, you're sub-communicating to him that you're actually wanted by other guys.  Remember, men are attracted to women that are wanted by other guys, so by saying that you're dating around already, you're pretty much saying that "it's your loss, mister!"

Remember, you can't just simply send these texts to him and expect good results... you need to have a plan of attack, and send these messages right when he's most likely to take them seriously... only then will he begin to feel attraction for you and induce a "fear of loss" within him.

In the free presentation below, I'll show you exactly what you can do to make your ex boyfriend want you again. No matter what your situation is -- or how badly you've messed up since the two of you broke up -- I'll be able to give you a number of useful tips that you can apply immediately.

But you better hurry up because this video won't be online forever... demand has been overwhelming and there's no way I'll be able to afford hosting it online for much longer.

So hurry up and check out the video below.

Click here to check out this video presentation.

How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back When He’s With Someone Else

How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back When He’s With Someone Else

You’re trying to cope with this new reality of a break up and it’s difficult enough, but when you see your ex boyfriend with someone else, the feelings of rejection are magnified and unbearable. You might feel like getting him back back is far and away impossible right now, especially when another woman is in the picture taking all the attention away, but all hope is not lost yet and I’ll tell you why.

It’s common for people to fall into the rebound relationship trap after a break up. Your ex feels this sudden shift in their day-to-day activities and subconsciously he feels he has a new void to fill. So he goes out and looks for the most desirable or available person to fill that void AND to act as a distraction mechanism.

Thing is, 90% of rebound relationships don’t work out because they work like outsourced job positions do. You outsource or hire someone to do a quick job ONCE because they’re quick and fast and you don’t need to do a bunch of annoying interviews. Because it’s only to fill a temporary void, the minute they start demanding more time, more attention and more energy, your ex will be kicking them out the door.

Knowing this, you can use it to your advantage. There’s no need to panic and start acting vindictive towards your ex because you don’t approve of them seeing someone new. Acting immature and showing your disapproval will only PUSH your ex towards their new love! On the other hand if you act indifferent, this might make your ex curious and they’ll be asking questions in their head like: “She doesn’t care I’m seeing someone new, she mustn’t have cared to begin with.”

Believe me these questions will allow your ex boyfriend to re-evaluate your relationship and think about you. Whether he’s thinking good or bad thoughts, the fact that he’s THINKING about you is a very good sign.

Want to know the fast track to your ex boyfriend’s heart? Whether he’s with someone else or not, you can make him fall in love with you and have him ditch his new love faster than you can say: Get Your Boyfriend Back Now.

[Click here]

For FREE video guide that shows how the secret to getting him back, visit [Click here].

How to Make You Ex-boyfriend Want You Back by Making Him Miss You Like Crazy

How to Make You Ex-boyfriend Want You Back by Making Him Miss You Like Crazy

If you’re wondering how to make your ex-boyfriend want you back, the answer is simple: make him miss you so much that he won’t be able to stand the thought of being away from you again! The real question lies in how to accomplish this. All you need is a bit of acting, some excellent strategies, and a lot of resolve.


They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and this is particularly true with men. If you want to make him want you back, you have to be like Harry Houdini and go poof!

Of course, this is only temporary. Why not use this chance to catch up on that much-needed “me” time? Take a trip somewhere exotic, or just do the things that you missed doing while you were still together. You won’t only make him miss you, you can also get the rest and relaxation that you need.

Don’t Mope

Him being male, he’ll be expecting you to mope in grief and wallow in desperation. Don’t give him the satisfaction of being right! Instead, live life. Go out, have fun, and meet people. The trick is to pretend that you’re unaffected by the breakup, but not overly so that you seem indifferent. When he sees you looking happier and more confident, he won’t be able to help but miss you.

Don’t Be Angry

Nothing turns a man off more than a spiteful, vindictive, weepy woman. You’ll be alternating between mostly negative emotions, so do your best not to give in to them. Grit your teeth and smile, no matter how hard it is to do so. He’ll miss you all the more for it.

How to make your ex-boyfriend want you back lies in him missing you and wanting you again. When he tries to see you or speak with you again, you’ll definitely know that you’ve got him – hook, line, and sinker.

Want a fool proof method of getting your ex boyfriend back? This is perhaps the fastest way to get him back, the resources on the next page is not to be underestimated and reveals a FREE video presentation that contains powerful techniques that will get back your boyfriend back in as little as 2 days… just try it out for yourself… [click here]!

Don’t miss out on your complimentary resources at: [Click here] now!

10 Ways to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

10 Ways to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

To get your ex boyfriend back, you’ll need to first understand why he left and how you might have pushed him away. Being too clingy or needy can push someone away just as much as not giving any attention at all. Here I’ve outline the Top 10 Ways to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back. Understand there is not always one set thing that will work for everyone, but this guide will help you avoid the common pitfalls and increase your chances substantially.

Tip #1 – Resist blaming your ex boyfriend.

Resist wanting to blame, argue or make your ex boyfriend jealous in the hope that he will magically come back just so you would STOP annoying him. See how illogical this is? You can’t attract love while throwing out negative energy. Even if you’re upset with him right now, you must remain calm and act as mature as possible.

Tip #2 – Don’t just shower him with love to get him back.

By throwing too much attention his way, this will usually not do any good because he knows you only want him back. Doing this to over-compensate what you failed to do before is not only a little late, it might even push him further away. If you want him back, you need to know why he left in the first place.

Tip #3 – Desperation kills attraction.

Feeling desperate means acting desperate. The best way to handle this is to resist talk to your ex for now. If you find yourself constantly calling him, txt messaging or begging and pleading for him to take you back, all these are signs of desperation. He has the upperhand for now but if you show him that you’re still in control, your strength during this time will be very attractive for him.

Tip #4 – Don’t stalk or bug his friends and family.

You might be desperate enough that you find yourself devising accidental run-ins and trying to pull information out of his friends and family. You won’t be fooling anyone and will look foolish instead. Stay out of their way and its best to even avoid going to places where you might run into him altogether.

Tip #5 – Analysis what went wrong in the relationship.

The fastest and best way to get your ex boyfriend back comes from taking a look at yourself. Sometimes we choose not to see something because that thing causes pain to us. But how you feel about yourself usually reflects back into the relationship you have. Take a look at what you were doing or not doing to cause the relationship to crumble.

Tip #6 – Bring back the best qualities about you.

Remember why your boyfriend fell in love with you in the first place? If you can’t answer this, you’ll need to do a bit of soul searching. You won’t be able to attract anyone if you don’t know what it is about you that attracted him in the first place.

Tip #7 – Jot down in a notepad all the pros and cons of your relationship.

No matter what you may think, your relationship did end for a reason. Now you must find out if its even a good idea to get back together with your ex boyfriend. The best way to do this is to write everything down in a pros and cons list, so you can see everything at once.

Tip #8 – Understand this won’t be forever.

Your break up pain will be hard to get for now but understand this won’t be forever. Time heals all wounds and its best you have this mindset to begin with to speed up your recovery. People do reunite all the time and there’s no reason why you can’t get your ex boyfriend back in the future.

Tip #9 – Don’t put your life on hold for him.

If you want to get over the break up quickly, you’ll not only have a better chance to get your ex boyfriend back, but you’ll be able to get on with your life faster also. The best thing to do is to focus on other areas of your life. Dive into work, delve into your hobbies, go out more with your friends. In essence, just get on with your life. Even if you don’t feel like it.

Tip #10 – Do some improving.

Improving yourself will not only increase your self-esteem and confidence it will make you happier in the long run.

I hope these tips have been helpful. If you can’t stop thinking about your boyfriend and want a step-by-step plan, proven to get your ex boyfriend back, then head over to [click here] for complimentary resources. This magic formula will have your ex begging to come back you in no time.

For more revolutionary ways to get your ex boyfriend back, go to [click here], the best online resource for helping you stop your break up.